I Forgot My Password

Elyse Updated by Elyse

Whoops! It happens to all of us (*shrug emoji*)

Click here to be directed to the login screen. 

Enter your email address and select “Login.”

You will be redirected to a 2nd login. Simply select "Forgot your password?":

Enter your email for a 3rd time:

Instructions will be sent to your inbox before you can say “Bacon!”  

If you are still having trouble, please check out the article: Login - How to troubleshoot

*Please note that the email entry field can be picky when it comes to case sensitivity so it's not recognizing your email address, and occasionally accounts are created with typo's in the email.

**If you’re still unable to log in, please contact our Support team by clicking "Get in touch" on the top right or by sending an email to support@ketokrate.com. Make sure to include your full name, shipping, and billing address for assistance.

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